Travel planning and booking:

Booking flight

To book a flight service you can contact us by phone, email, or online. You will only need to provide your travel dates, your departure and arrival cities, and the number of passengers.

Booking a flight service through us is a convenient way to arrange your travel, especially if you are also booking other services, such as accommodation, activities, or transportation. We have access to a wide range of flights and can often get you better deals than you could book on your own.

Booking hotels

We offer hotel booking services as part of their overall travel packages. This can be a convenient way for you to book your accommodations, especially if you are planning a complex trip with multiple destinations. We have negotiated rates with hotels, so they can often offer you better prices than they would be able to get on your own.

To book a hotel through us, you need to provide your travel dates, destination, and budget. Where we then provide you with a list of hotel options that meet your criteria. Choose the hotel that you prefer and we will book it on your behalf.

Travel advice

A travel advice service by a tour company can be a valuable resource for travellers, especially those who are new to a destination or who are planning a complex trip. We have a deep knowledge of the places we offer tours to, and we can provide you with expert advice on everything from choosing the right itinerary to packing for the weather.

Some of the specific benefits of using a travel advice service from us include:

Travel assistance

Travel assistance services vary depending on the type of tour package needed. However, some common services include:

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For any enquiries, comments, explanations, elaborations and partnerships or be it planning a safari feel free to do so.
